Our story

Our story is similar to those of other home-based child care facilities. We firmly believe that a child needs a good foundation of active experiences before entering kindergarten. The socialization skills go beyond sharing, and children can develop life-long learning skills when they become interested in investigating their environment and learning how to do big-kid things.

We offer a day care environment that not only supports investigative learning, but also a nurturing group environment where children can develop with peers that are similar in age, but not always the same age. Socialization with children of varying developmental skills allows a child to learn by seeing what their friends are able to do, and learn important sharing and teamwork skills they may not learn from an older sibling.

A structured program that addresses the varying needs of a group setting is beneficial to early childhood development, and a setting we provide with the hopes that the children we shape can become leaders. 

Vickie's Learning Center has provided in-home care since 2003. We hope you will contact us to stop by to see what we can offer for the care and development of your child.

Participant in the USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program

USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program